Judi Provencal

B.A., Smith College, 1987 M.A., Astronomy, The University of Texas, 1990 Ph.D., Astronomy, The University of Texas, 1994 2005-present: Director, Delaware Asteroseismic Research Center 2005-present: Director, Whole Earth Telescope 2000-present: Resident Astronomer, Mt. Cuba Observatory and the University of Delaware

Saturday, April 21, 2012

EC14012 Paper and DAMP05 Update

Hello everyone,

Good news!  The EC14012 paper is now available on astro-ph.  Here is
the link:  http://arxiv.org/pdf/1204.2558.pdf.
The paper will be coming out in the June edition of ApJ.

DAMP05 has started.  We've been observing GD165 to evaluate the star
for convective light curve fitting.  This is a
hot DA, and would help pin down the hot end of our convection plot
(Figure 17 in the EC14012 paper) where we only have G117-B15A
right now.  The star still has 2 major frequencies, at 120 and 193 s.
Both are mulitplets.  The 120 s multiplet seems very similar to
the previous published frequencies, but the 193 s multiplet is not yet
resolved!  Of course, we need more data!  Check out
the website to see the latest light curves and FTs.
