Judi Provencal

B.A., Smith College, 1987 M.A., Astronomy, The University of Texas, 1990 Ph.D., Astronomy, The University of Texas, 1994 2005-present: Director, Delaware Asteroseismic Research Center 2005-present: Director, Whole Earth Telescope 2000-present: Resident Astronomer, Mt. Cuba Observatory and the University of Delaware

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

News from the Director

Hello everyone,

The website is up for DAMP05 at
http://darc.physics.udel.edu/wet/damp05/phptools/index.php.  We are
still confirming a few sites, but it looks like things will start next
week and run until the beginning of May.  This is going to be a small
run to evaluate GD165 and its potential for light curve fitting.  The
secondary target is GD358 because it is fairly bright and  doesn't
need lots of coverage.  Unless of course, it changes this year:)  The
finder charts and observing instructions are available on the website.
 The information for uploading data to daedalus is the same as in the
past.  If anyone needs a reminder, let me know.

Two other bits of news:

Happily, the EC14012-1446 paper has been accepted for publication in
the Astrophysical Journal (tentatively for the June 10 edition).  It
should appear on astro-ph in a few days.  This
is very exciting.  The paper presents the FT and light curve fitting
for EC14012-1446, and raises some other interesting questions.  I hope
everyone will take a look.

Planning for the 8th Whole Earth Telescope Workshop is proceeding.  We
have been discussing a format which is more in line with the
"traditional" workshop.  We would spend a good deal
of the meeting focusing on a single star, with the idea of leaving
with the framework for a publication.  The suggested "focus" star is
G29-38, since it has a comprehensive, extensive data set of
photometry and spectroscopy and it impacts a broad range of fields,
from pulsation to disks. This part of the workshop would be open
discussion, focusing on the entire data set to address
questions of interest.  I think this sounds very exciting.  Please let
me know if you have any suggestions.


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