Judi Provencal

B.A., Smith College, 1987 M.A., Astronomy, The University of Texas, 1990 Ph.D., Astronomy, The University of Texas, 1994 2005-present: Director, Delaware Asteroseismic Research Center 2005-present: Director, Whole Earth Telescope 2000-present: Resident Astronomer, Mt. Cuba Observatory and the University of Delaware

Monday, November 21, 2011

XCOV28 Part II

Hello everyone!

We are gearing up for XCOV28 Part II.  The first part of the run has
shown us some exciting data for HS0507+0434B and
HLTau 76.  Both are very interesting targets.  HS0507 is showing signs
of multiplet structure and HL Tau 76's light curves
are looking very nonlinear.  I am looking forward to seeing the FTs of
these stars (and the southern targets) evolve as
the run goes on.

We have a list of preliminary contact times for the different
observatories, which I am enclosing.  These times are simply
approximately one hour before sunset at each observatory.  If you
would prefer a different contact time, or if I have made
a mistake in converting, please let us know.

We will be setting up a "Google Hangout", where anyone who is
observing and/or is just interested, will be able to
chat about the data and the run.  You will need a webcam for this to
work.  We will send more details when everything is
ready to go.  Also, we have a blog at
http://www.wholeearthtelescope.blogspot.com/  If you would like to
send any pictures
of your observatory, we will put them on the blog. Most of the
pictures there now are from the DAMP04 run last May.


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